Registration of a Telkomsel card  via SMS: GTEKNO

So  you can register a telkomsel card, learn the details and steps

Now the owners of a  prepaid SIM card must first register.   Internet users are widely  searching for the  keyword   to register a  Telkomsel card.   Since 2017,  the government has   applied this rule on  the  condition that it  uses  NIK data and GOK numbers.

The  registration phase for new and existing customers  uses  the same  steps.   If you do not carry out this procedure, the sanction received will not  be able to activate the phone number.   Therefore, it  is mandatory for anyone who  uses a prepaid SIM card.

Including  Telkomsel number users,  if you  just gave a card, you will need to take this step.   But without worrying, there is an easy way to do it .  Before we explain the steps, here are some of the  most frequently asked things about registering a telkomsel card.

5 things to understand about registering with a telkomtel card

Before registering for the Telkomsel card, it is understandable and informative  , as follows:

  1. Reasons behind the back

According to the   Ministry of Finance and The Ministry of Information  ,  the registration decision was made to protect consumers using prepaid SIM cards  .   Against many fraud methods, such as fraud and  fraud.   It is also used to promote a national unified identity,  one of the  interests planned by the government.

The above interests  themselves are aimed at directly linking the identity of the holder of his card  with population data.   The trick is to connect the  mobile operator system  to the  database associated with  Dukcapil (  Public Service  Population  and Registration Service). Decree No. 14 of 2017 of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology has  its own  legal basis.

  1. MEPs If you don’t have an E-KTP

Prepaid card users don’t  have to worry if they don’t have e-KTP. Because what is needed is a national identification number (NIK).   So, there is another option  to view the number.   You can see it from the family card (KK).   So that everyone can subscribe, because everyone already has a  NIK.

  1. Guaranteed privacy and security

Some people may be concerned about the problem of transferring  the NIK and  KK number.  But the government guarantees the security of  this data. Because everything goes  to Dukcapil’s server.   So you will not be able to  use telkomsel operators  or others.   If a leak  occurs, it  may be subject to criminal penalties.

  1. Number of numbers per user

Basically, a  person’s data  can be registered  on certain numbers.   However, the terms remain in effect. One of them is that  only three special numbers  can be registered, which  allows you to  send k amu via  sms.  It is permissible to exceed three numbers, as long as the  telkomsel card registration  method is carried out directly at the outlet  .

  1. Penalties if you don’t do it

As explained earlier, there are penalties if you  do not register immediately.   The first is that the  telkomsel phone number is not activated.   Not all automatic calls,  internet usage, as well as messages can bedirectly r.   This means that this step is  really mandatory for you in order to be able to use it.

 Registration of a Telkomsel card  via SMS

This is the first step in the  most muddy and used  ah, namely sms.   First of all, of course,  you need to  prepare the KK and the KTP in advance , it  can only  be  KK.   Next, you need to open  the  message menu  on the mobile phone.   Here are the detailed steps.

  1. New user-specific steps

After opening the message menu, enter the  reg (space) NIK #NomorKK# message format.   After successfully describing it, send it to the number 4444.   An example is REG 987654321 #123456789#, and then send it to 4444. Later, the  operator delivers the replying message if the  registration has been successfully processed  .

  1. User-specific old steps

The method  of registering a Telkomsel card for old users  has  almost the same format.   You just need to add the  word “repeat”. The  message format to be written  is REG (space) ULANGNIK #NomorKK#.   An example is REG ULANG987654321 #123456789#, and then send it to  the same  number, which is 4444.

Later, when kamu successfully completes this process, it receives a replying message  .   But it is  also  possible , that  the process  has failed for certain reasons.   If this step  does not work or fails , in the discussion at the end of the next paragraph we will explain how to overcome it.

In fact  , it  is allowed to  use the telkomsel card first or the second registration method  , it is about a simple one.   Later, when the process is ready, k amu will be notified  .  Another sign of success is that the  Telkomsel prepaid card can be used  for  phone,  messaging, Internet and other requirements  .

Simple steps to register through telkomsel official website

This is how you can register through the website.  It can be said  that this second step  is also quite simple.  The requirements are the same , namely the NIK and KK number.   K  amu is recommended   for Internet access.   Below are the registration steps through the official website in more detail.

  1. Go to the official website

The  initial way  to register a  telkomsel card  , which  must bedone, is to go to the official  Telkomsel website  , which is https://www. / . Next, open the yang  menu  , which is called prepaid reprogramming.   Direct access to the https://www site can  also be used. Registration, so  you will automatically be taken to the registration menu of the prepaid card with the telkom.

  1. Fill in the requested documents

The next step is to provide some requested documents  .   These documents  include names,  family card number and NIK. In the event that it  is allowed to take  the NIK from the KTP card or family card.   Make sure that  all completed documents are correct so that the registration steps  can be processed smoothly afterwards.

Later, after  selecting the  word “OK”,  the conditions apply .  First  , it  can be read by the card holder.   Later, if you agree to the terms, select “I agree”  .   After that, the registration section  through the website  will be successful if the completed devices are correct.

If the registration fails, try to fix it below

According to Kominfo itself, the  reason for registering  a telkomsel card can fail  due to  certain  things.  The first option is that there is a double error in the KTP data and the KK number, which blocks it.   The second option is to fill in the number of personal documents related to the  applicant for registration.

The  third weld is the  KK number, which was replaced with a new one ,  because it moved  its place of residence to  another city.   The reason for the last failure will probably be that the KK number has also changed, but because the head of the family saw his  death  certificate.   If the error occurs due to the above  , then with this stage you can overcome it

  1. Re-examining the trail

When the first  error occurs, try to double-check that the written data is correct  .   If the numbers are correct, look at  the sent format  again.  Make sure that the  format, numbers, and letters  you send to your registration  are correct.

  1. Try to text with up to five attempts

If the data  is  correct, but still fails, send an SMS for five more attempts.   ya after, if the data is correct, the operator  sends  a response.  After that, the Telkomsel number  will be activated.   You don’t have to worry about a reduced loan, because this process is guaranteed to be free.

  1. Ask directly about the outlet

Come to Telkomsel stores, where registration always fails, although you have tried all the steps of registering a prepaid card.   Do not forget to take with you the  documents, namely the KTP and the KK.   After   that  , you will be  instructed to declare that the  filled-in  data and the identification entity are correct,  and then only they will be processed.

The main thing is that you  need to select  one of  the  steps of registration with telkomsel to use it,  you can choose it via SMS or on the official  website.   Choose the step that is practical and fastest.   Remember to always be detailed when signing up for this  Telkomsel card to be successful later.

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